Pets Face Some of the Same Ailments as People and Need Treatment

Having pets or companion livestock such as horses can mean having to deal with health problems as they age, some of which are unique to animals, and some of which are similar to what humans deal with. Taking care of your companion animal as it ages needs to involve a combination of preventive care and […]

5 Top Tips to Help You Maintain Your Saltwater Coral

Coral is a sedentary invertebrate animal usually found in warm and tropical seas. Saltwater coral usually has soft, horny or calcareous skeletons. Most corals live in colonies and obtain energy from the sun using the green algae in their tissues. Typically, there are two main types of saltwater corals, and those are soft coral and […]

How Dog Socialization is Important in Maintaining Healthy and Active Life

For your dog to enjoy a healthy and happy life there are essentials you need to provide such as a balanced, nutritious diet, weight management, regular vaccinations, and veterinarian examination. However, are you aware that dog socialization is key to holistic pet wellness? A typical dog is as smart as a 2-year-old toddler, and we […]

Six Health Benefits That Can Come From Regular Dog Grooming

Dog grooming is an essential part of owning any dog. While it’s important to make sure and book dog grooming services regularly to ensure your furry friend doesn’t start to smell funky and look even funkier, it’s also important to their overall health. Typically, it’s recommended that you schedule a service every month with a […]

Help Your Dog Heal From a Swollen Ankle

Our furry, four-legged friends are so active. They are always running and jumping. Their excitement and energy provide lasting joy. Unfortunately, sometimes they sustain an injury and this can be painful for both the dog and the owner. When a dog suffers from a swollen ankle, it is important to understand what that means and […]